Meina Gong

Technical Writer

Hallo! 我叫美娜,喜欢看书、旅游、瑜伽。
My name is Meina Gong (she/her). I was born and raised in Jian, Jiangxi, and I am currently a JavaScript engineer at the P&G.
I am deeply interested in studying technology that impact web growth and development, most specifically user experience design. Long term, I also hope to contribute by supporting children of their conditions and circumstances, so they feel supported by technology and science.
I wasn’t always convince I was smart enough to do engineering jobs, but during my volunteer year at Jamaica I was lucky to meet amazing engineers who helpd me realize my passion for science and helped me pursue this path. I also fell in love with Jamaica and made some incredible friends there!
My other lifelong passion is volunteering: I volunteer in 2018, and although I cannot volunteer due to the pandemic, volunteering continue to be an important and meaningful part of my life.
I love spicy and fish, the color pink, reading, traveling, and jogging. I value the human connection, presence, and people with integrity. I hope some of what I share resonates with you, and while I know I have a lot to learn, I appreciate you all being part of my journey.
In terms of where I am on the internet (and off), feel free to email me with details!
Ich heiße Gong Meina. Gong ist mein Familienname, Meina ist mein Vorname. Ich habe am 5. Januar Geburtstag. Ich komme aus China. Ich wohne in Shenzhen. Ich arbeite hier. Ich mag kaffee and Boba Tee. Ich lerne Deutsch. Deutsch ist sehr interessant.